BSU Football Hosts "Road to Kindergarten"

BSU Football Hosts "Road to Kindergarten"

BRIDGEWATER, Mass. -- On Thursday, August 29th, the Bridgewater State University football team and coaching staff hosted the Eighth Annual "Road to Kindergarten".

The annual community event, designed for the children who are entering kindergarten at Bridgewater elementary schools, started at 9:30am with over 120 kindergarteners and 98 football players as well as the Bears' coaching staff on Swenson Field.

The children participated in a number of different activities including jumping over bags, throwing and kicking the football and practicing their touchdown dances.

After refueling with plenty of water, the children made their way to the open field for more fun. There were five different stations of activities such as duck-duck-goose, simon says and freeze tag, as well as two different bounce-houses. The weather was perfect and everyone had a great deal of fun.